Core Values
Core Values have always been ingrained in the team culture of FIRST Team-1816-The Green Machine. Even before we launched our Be FIRST peer-to-peer campaign in 2013, 1816 placed high value on the ethical underpinnings of what it means to be a FIRST Robotics team.
An activity at the 2018 Season Fall October retreat inspired us to create our own set of formalized Team values. The hands-on workshop was student-driven and facilitated by a respected Team volunteer, one who was familiar both with the Team and with third-party mediated strategic planning activities. The inclusion of this third-party facilitator proved key, as it enabled the Team to move beyond personalities and petty differences. Significant input was required on the part of each 1816 member and mentor, including votes to identify the top Team values.
Over the course of the next six weeks, a values committee comprised of mentors and students of all grade levels and subteams met to discuss, finalize the Team values, and write expansion statements. The Team’s Core Values (Respect, Trust, Inclusivity, Commitment, and Joy of Life), along with their expansion statements, were then voted on by the entire Team.
This is a continuing project, with renewals and activities included in the annual Team retreat. What is developed and what works for one season is carefully scrutinized and adjusted for the next season. It is ongoing recognition of our Core Values so that they remain at the forefront of our Team culture. We believe that Core Values are an essential complement to the FIRST foundational philosophies of Gracious Professionalism and Coopertition. All three components help us meet our mission and realize our vision.

One of the foremost proponents of Core Values and the ethos of Gracious Professionalism is Woodie Flowers, Papalardo Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Distinguished Partner at Olin College. As a co-founder of the FIRST Robotics Competition, Woodie pushed us all to produce high-quality work, emphasize the value of others, and respect individuals and the community. We all do better when we all do our best! Find out more by visiting
We invite you to contact us for more information. The download below provides additional information on scheduling a Core Values Workshop with your FIRST team.
Below is a video of a workshop held at the FIRST 2018 Championship in Detroit describing the core values process and impact