The Edina Education Fund surprised Edina High School Principal Mary Manderfeld and student grant writers Emily R, Greg B, and Ross N. during third-hour class. All three students were called out of class to “report to the Principal’s Office” but, since only Emily was in school today, she had to face the top brass alone! Shaking in her boots and fearing a reprimand, Emily instead accepted with relief and excitement a ceremonial check for $5000, as well as the Grant Committee’s congratulations on behalf of the Green Machine. This year, Edina Robotics FIRST Team 1816 – Green Machine was one of only 30 FIRST teams selected to participate in the “Green Machine Fuel Cell Pilot Project.” As such, Edina Robotics was invited to present its results during the FIRST Robotics National Championships in Atlanta, Georgia, April 12-14, 2007. The Edina Education Fund’s grant will cover the team’s registration fees for this event.