2024 ZEN
Game: Crescendo About the Robot: Modular Collector: An under-the-robot bumper game element collector keeps all robot components inside the frame perimeter. Pivoting Mechanism of Shooter Arm: Enables ease of scoring between upper and lower goals. Swerve Drivetrain: 4...
2023 Zero
Game: Charged Up! About the Robot: Collector: The same mechanism picks up both cones and cubes from the human player station. Constructed out of Lexan (a polycarbonate material) to withstand heavy force, Elevator Pivoting Mechanism: Runs on two Falcon 500 motors in a...
2022: ZAP
Game: Rapid React About the Robot Turret: A stereo camera identifies the target and determines distance. An industrial-grade "Lazy Susan" permits smooth rotation and stability as it automatically aims and makes precision shots on the goal. Cargo Ball Shooter: A...
Game: Infinite Recharge @ Home About the Robot Autonomous: For the first 15 seconds of every match, Zodiac moves autonomously using pre-build paths called "splines" and shoots up to 7 balls during this time. Turret: a flywheel based, rotating shooter that uses cameras...
2020: ZODIAC
Game: Infinite Recharge About the Robot Autonomous: For the first 15 seconds of every match, Zodiac moves autonomously using pre-build paths called "splines" and shoots up to 7 balls during this time. Turret: A flywheel based, rotating shooter that uses cameras for...
2019: ZETA
Game: Destination Deep Space About the Robot Climber: A pneumatically-actuated piston clamps onto the climbing station with 400 pounds of force. Two custom gearboxes flip our robot completely over onto the station. A consistent and reliable end-of-match scoring...
2018 ZzBot
ZzBot was designed to lift and drop Power-cubes, a 13x 13 x 11 inch milk create, onto the scale in center field, and onto the two switches located on either end of the field, In addition ZzBot can lift both alliance partners during end game to “face the boss” ...
2017 Zeppelin
The demands of the 2017 FIRST Robotics competition game, STEAMWORKS, require robots to demonstrate versatility at three disparate tasks. Robots collect and shoot 5” yellow-green wiffle balls, known as fuel, into high and low goals; collect and deliver...
2016 Zenith
For the 2016 game, FIRST Stronghold, 1816’s robot features a versatile drive train and a rotating arm with a pneumatic piston to shoot the ball. Our game strategy is to breach 4 out of 5 defenses, including the low bar, and shoot into the high goal. Game:...
2015 Zebruh
Zebruh, our 2015 robot, has proven to be an incredible engineering challenge. At the center of our robot is a 72″ linear slide and claw system, providing a wide range of extension from 3″ off the ground to 75″ at the highest limit. The elevator-style pulley system is...